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What is an EVU?

The Urban Feasibility Study (EVU) is a study carried out in a given land or region, which aims to analyze whether or not a certain building or activity can be carried out in that location. The analysis verifies the impacts that the development will bring in the urban context, also being used to evaluate interventions in listed or inventoried properties. The EVU is a step in the project approval process that precedes the approval of the architectural project and obtaining a work permit.

And speaking of project legalization, in 2020, project approval in Porto Alegre became virtual. It is now possible to carry out more than 200 services on the Porto Alegre City Hall Licensing Portal, such as: Renovation, Demolition, Occupancy License and Advertising. There are still many challenges with regard to the procedure, but it made it much easier for those who want to keep their property up to date!