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  • evo2b solution

    Architecture and Visual Design


    Estação Bom Fim

  • local

    Porto Alegre, RS

  • year


With a Train Station theme, Padaria Estação Bom Fim aims to serve its customers by providing experiences ranging from breakfast, lunch, and snacks to Happy Hour. For this, it was necessary to think about the Architectural Project, aligning it with the concept of the brand, which was also elaborated by evo2b, carrying out the application both in the architectural part and in the elements of daily use such as menus and uniforms

The Bakery has Internal and External Service through a deck. The total area is 220.30m², with 100m² for internal service on the ground floor and on the mezzanine and 32m² for the external area. The space has islands of confectionery, bakery, draft beer, and preparation of sandwiches and pizza. In addition to the conceptualization and design, the licenses necessary for its opening were also issued, such as: internal renovation license, facade renovation and bike rack installation.